


  • Product description: ISOSunMLC

The infinityPV ISOSunMLC is a multiwavelength LED characterizer enabeling spectral synthesis intensity control from 0-3 suns, and allows for fast measurement of IPCE, inverse IPCE and lifetime testing。


The standard ISOSunMLC configuration presents 18 individually programmable wavelengths in the range of 390-940 nm enabling spectral synthesis intensity control from 0-3 suns over a test area of 25 x 50 mm2. The system has built-in calibrated photodiodes and is self-calibrating, always ensuring constant light intensity, correction for environmental conditions and giving warning in case of failure. The lifetime of the light source is > 10.000 hours. Exchange of samples is simple and fast and the geometry of the system is mechanically locked ensuring that the same source to sample distance is maintained at all times, giving excellent reproducibility and inherently eliminates experimental error, due to variations in testing conditions. We can offer custom built systems with larger test areas and also different wavelengths.


The system is fully controlled from the laptop PC that is included. The sample mount includes rubber gasket the separates the front and back side of the device. Gas inlets and outlets for both the front side and the back side are included. The system is fully CE approved and accepts line voltages in the range of 110-240 VAC (single phase).


The system enables solar simulation using a synthesized AM1.5G spectrum or can mimic complex light sources such as fluorescent light bulbs thus enabling performance estimation under virtually any given set of illumination conditions for your solar cell technology. The programmable nature of the multi-wavelength LED light source enables a number of test conditions to be realized. In addition to being a solar simulator enabling testing under moderate concentration, the system also allows for fast measurement of IPCE, inverse IPCE and lifetime testing. The mechanical construction allows for both front and back contacting without any change to the system. Included is also the possibility for gas flow over the device front and back such that effects of atmospheric conditions can be quickly evaluated i.e. operation under inert atmosphere with constant monitoring while a test gas such as water or oxygen is introduced.


  • Turn-key system with electrical lead comprising power supply, LED driver system, LED light source and sample mount.
  • ISOSunMLC software including protocols for self-testing, self-calibration, IV-curve tracing, lifetime testing, IPCE measurements, inverse IPCE measurements and spectral synthesis.


  • Keithley SMU with GPIB interface


  • Keithley 2401 SMU with fast GPIB-USB interface
  • 26-52 wavelengths
  • Multi lamp head for 50 x 50 mm2 or larger testing areas
  • Liquid cooling for compact environments
  • Compact kit for installation and operation inside a glovebox environment
  • 25 x 50 mm2 glass substrates with pre-patterned semitransparent conductor such as ITO, silver etc.